Thursday, January 27, 2011


Sooo, we havent been posting in a while! I've had a lot going on the past month, with my dad's heart surgery and all :/..... Well, i started a Balance! His name is Luke Drake, and he is currently lvl 15. He is in Krokotopia :P

Tuesday, January 4, 2011

Sooooo its morgan lolz i havent posted in a while but if you were wondering the wands of the different schools for lvl 55 here are the names -->
                      Fire: Blistering  Baton , Storm:  Jolting jelly, Ice:  Shivering spear, Life: Rod of rapture,Death: Cursed staff, Balance: Insightful spyglass: Myth: Staff of legends.

Friday, December 24, 2010

Ahh... I love my baby carrots!!!

Hehe... All my plants are so happy to see me, they trample over eachother to get to me! :P! The top carrot, the one that looks like it has wings, is in fromt of my snap dragon. Wouldnt it be cool if you could mix SEEDS, to make super beast awesome cool plants? Which would you combine????

Tuesday, December 21, 2010


Guess what? GRAND!! Luke nightheart, along with lord vaden, aka beast stormzilla, have mate it to the crystal grove. Luke's grand cause of the numerous Celestia dungeons, espically the chancel. Oh, and Luke got storm lord :D

Saturday, December 18, 2010


I know this is sad, and pathetic, but Luke Nightheart has just entered Dragonspyre!!! After an epic battle with the Jade Oni, *cough not so epic cough*, Luke aqquired the spiral key to the firey world. Take a look at the screen shots!!!

Tuesday, December 14, 2010

< ---ok so it morgan again i thought id share some things about gardening, if you see yer plant crying its time for harvest, if you see a swarm of random bugs their pests so kill them! and it takes a few days until your plants get mature like mine