Friday, December 24, 2010

Ahh... I love my baby carrots!!!

Hehe... All my plants are so happy to see me, they trample over eachother to get to me! :P! The top carrot, the one that looks like it has wings, is in fromt of my snap dragon. Wouldnt it be cool if you could mix SEEDS, to make super beast awesome cool plants? Which would you combine????

Tuesday, December 21, 2010


Guess what? GRAND!! Luke nightheart, along with lord vaden, aka beast stormzilla, have mate it to the crystal grove. Luke's grand cause of the numerous Celestia dungeons, espically the chancel. Oh, and Luke got storm lord :D

Saturday, December 18, 2010


I know this is sad, and pathetic, but Luke Nightheart has just entered Dragonspyre!!! After an epic battle with the Jade Oni, *cough not so epic cough*, Luke aqquired the spiral key to the firey world. Take a look at the screen shots!!!

Tuesday, December 14, 2010

< ---ok so it morgan again i thought id share some things about gardening, if you see yer plant crying its time for harvest, if you see a swarm of random bugs their pests so kill them! and it takes a few days until your plants get mature like mine
ok so its morgan here ummm havent been posting anything for a while so uhh i am gonna think bout what to post sooooo ............................................ 

Wednesday, December 8, 2010

Hey everybody, soo.... I gotta take a few days, maybe a week, off wizard101. I took a look at my grades, and, not so good.......... So, uh i guess see ya soon?

Sunday, December 5, 2010

Test Realm & Gift Cards...

Theres weird things that go on in the test realm... Like exploding plants, depressed plants, GRUMPY plants, and much more strange things.... And glitches :P Like the one above! And an idea for kingsisle... What if you could send giftcards through that gift certificate thing. It would be much easier so that if they run out *cough epic giftcard cough* people can still enjoy the content. Well thats all for today...

Saturday, December 4, 2010

sooooo ......morgan here with the last smith! its near the fire globe theater to the right .................good luck! :)
ok its morgan once again! here is the triton  avenue smith its near the big water falls and is all the way to the dead end to yer left coming from the beginning of triton avenue
ok morgan again this time with the cyclopes lane smith its near that lil tent area its behind the water to a tree to the right
hey morgan here! its the old town smith, its found near that old lady right in front of the bazaar its too her right

Friday, December 3, 2010

Thursday, December 2, 2010

Lucas DragonHammer

Hey everybody!!! Just wanted to let ya know that theres a new (noob) wizard in the spiral! His name is Lucas DragonHammer, a lvl 13 myth (at the moment). I am hoping for a good pvp wizard with him!

Wednesday, December 1, 2010

so this is the one in colossus boulevard its to the right if you have just come out of gobblestone castle
so the 4th one is the shopping district one well act like yer going to the bazaar and when you see a little space between 2 bulidings go through there and ya should see it next to this tree, ( if you went past the wc robe shop you went too far) 
so the 3rd one is in the right hand corner if you just come out of the hedge maze in unicorn way
so next here is the golem court smith its found behind the golemtower right next to this tree
ok so this is the fair grounds smith its near the blue tent behind the merry-go-round  right next to the tree


Ok, once you have played wizard101 for a while you know theres some pretty cool pets out there for grabs! Some are pretty rare, and some of the good ones can be store bought too! Luke has a deathbat, the sea turtle (:D), the troll, the ice snowman, the white rat magician, the fierce hound, and the snow serpent. Most of these pets are easy to obtain... Do you have any rare pets? Any hybrid pets? Any request for Kingsisle to MAKE new pets? Leave them in the comments!!!!

Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Ok so its morgan again i thought i'd help with the basics, like the smiths,beetles,cats,clams, an stone roses, well id say louge lizards too but uh.. i didnt exactly finish them... soo anyway ill post pics and  written things of where they are.    enjoy the help  

The Dark Angels Blog of Wizard101: Hello!

Ok so i did finish the game but believe me it wasnt easy! So anyway just let us know what ya need to know. We both have a lot of info about wizard101 and tons of things to share , and we need followers so dont forget to click follow!
Morgan Dragontail

The Dark Angels Blog of Wizard101:

The Dark Angels Blog of Wizard101: Hey its morgan here just wanted to say nice job Luke and we may need to get some info about the game and maybe some pics, or some secrets about the game.Well thats all and maybe we get some people to comment and follow! :D


Ok soo... Luke Nightheart is a lvl 41 Diviner, and Morgan Dragontail is a lvl 60 therguist. Luke is currently in MooShu, and obviously Morgan is done with the game. Hmm... Oh! Luke is a corporal in pvp with 46W-39L. Hmm... anything you would like to know?!?!?!?! leave it in the comments l
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Hello fellow wizard101 people! we (luke nightheart and morgan dragontail) have created this blog to share our useful knowledge of the game and our adventures of the spiral!